Sunday, June 16, 2013

London Day 2

Today we saw Westminster Abbey, the site of coronations in London. Standing anywhere inside the Abbey or around it is breathtaking. It's such a beautiful building and the history inside is also very interesting. It makes you wonder how they ever could have built such an amazing structure with the tools they were armed with back then.

The Ceiling inside the Abbey with the Knights Sigils hung.
The Westminster Abbey
It is also the resting place of many kings, queens, knights and other royalty. They are entombed in very intricate burial chambers, with the most amazing detail. I would highly recommend the Westminster Abbey if you ever find yourself in London. We also walked along the River Thames to get a better glimpse of Big Ben and Parliament, walked over the Tower Bridge, and went to the Tower of London.
  The Tower of London is not just a tower or castle but instead an entire fortress and its grounds which is still inhabited today. It is the home of the crown jewels, and an incredible amount of history as well. It was built by William the Conquerer in 1066AD and from that time on was home to many kings and queens, was a site of torture, imprisonment, and protection. My favorite historical events are the beheading of queen Anne Boleyn(the first queen to ever be executed there) and the room where they tortured Guy Fawkes which is still celebrated every year on November 5th with fireworks, and bon fires: (Remember, remember the fifth of november…) Pretty awesome!
A Beef Eater outside the keep where the crown jewels are kept.

 Learning so much of the history of London between 1000-1900AD makes you want to learn more, and know what it must have been like to live in the time of William the Conquerer, and when kings and queens ruled the land. We still have so much to see in London, and it's astonishing how much we've already seen. Tomorrow we have a tour to Bath, Stonehenge, Lacock, and Windsor Castle. It's gonna be awesome.

Madi, Big Ben and I.

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